Wheelchair accessible vehicles

How to load a 6 mph mobility scooter into a wav

How to load a 6 mph mobility scooter into a wav This video shows the correct way of loading a mobility scooter into a wheelchair car, please note at no point does the demonstrator stand in front or behind the scooter, the throttle on the scooter is used in an on-off motion so it can […]

Why Buy a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Car From Us

Why Buy a wheelchair-accessible vehicle car off us, Selection We Normally stock between 40 and 50 used excellent quality used wheelchair accessible vehicles with different configurations of seats, colours and sizes, Door-to-door service, We offer a true personal door-to-door service, which means your adapted vehicle will not be delivered by an outside contractor/delivery driver who […]

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles Scotland

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles Scotland Click here to see more ** wheelchair accessible cars for sale ** We are a specialist supplier of used Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles Scotland, click on our Showroom page to see the adapted cars that are available to you, we offer free delivery to your door in Scotland, The photos below show […]

siġġu tar-roti vetturi aċċessibbli għas Malta

Ir-ritratt juri 2 vetturi aktar aċċessibbli siġġu tar-roti għall-kunsinna lejn Malta, aħna issa mibgħuta total ta ‘7 karozzi siġġu tar-roti biex Malta fl-aħħar 12-il xahar. Dawn iż-żewġ karozzi tgħabbiet fuq trasportatur li se tieħu them down biex Southampton, dawn imbagħad se jkunu mgħobbija fuq bastiment li se teħodhom lejn il-port Valletta f’Malta. Aħna rranġati l-tbaħħir […]

Get Out Into The Local Community This Summer

Day to day local shopping has sadly become a thing of the past, with busy lifestyles and convenience being the main instigator. Unfortunately community relations has suffered as a result leaving the pubs and bars our focus for a social life, but this could be changing. Eccles town centre is now offering more and more […]

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