Wheelchair accessible vehicles

Help us help others; we want to donate to child charities,

Help us help others; we want to donate to charities, Our workaholic managing director at wheelchair cars wants to donate a certain amount of money to different child based charities. In conversation our boss said; “The first time i gave to charity was a couple of years ago, i was in the parts department at Peugeot, on the counter was […]

Please Leave your feedback and reviews on this page,

As a company we value your reviews and feedback. We aim to provide a trouble free purchase of a wheelchair accessible vehicle. If you have bought a car from us; Was the wheelchair car as described? was you happy with the service? was you shown how to load a wheelchair etc. or you was unable […]

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles – The Best Holiday Destinations

With holiday season fast approaching it isn’t too late to get yourself booked up for a break and here at Wheelchair Cars we have put together a list of three of the most popular destinations available, suitable for individuals with wheelchair accessible vehicles. Cumbria A stunning part of the country, Cumbria in the North West […]

Πρόσβαση αναπηρικής καρέκλας όχημα για παράδοση Κύπρος ,

wheelchair car cyprus

Η φωτογραφία δείχνει ένα Kia Sedona αναπηρικό καροτσάκι προσιτό όχημα για παράδοση Κύπρος , τώρα έχουν αποσταλεί συνολικά 5 αυτοκίνητα αναπηρική καρέκλα προς Κύπρος κατά τους τελευταίους 12 μήνες . Αυτό το αυτοκίνητο παραδόθηκε στο Enfield του Λονδίνου , ο αποστολέας τότε η T φορτωθεί σε έναν φορέα που θα τους πάρει κάτω για να […]

siġġu tar-roti vetturi aċċessibbli għas Malta

Ir-ritratt juri 2 vetturi aktar aċċessibbli siġġu tar-roti għall-kunsinna lejn Malta, aħna issa mibgħuta total ta ‘7 karozzi siġġu tar-roti biex Malta fl-aħħar 12-il xahar. Dawn iż-żewġ karozzi tgħabbiet fuq trasportatur li se tieħu them down biex Southampton, dawn imbagħad se jkunu mgħobbija fuq bastiment li se teħodhom lejn il-port Valletta f’Malta. Aħna rranġati l-tbaħħir […]

Get Out Into The Local Community This Summer

Day to day local shopping has sadly become a thing of the past, with busy lifestyles and convenience being the main instigator. Unfortunately community relations has suffered as a result leaving the pubs and bars our focus for a social life, but this could be changing. Eccles town centre is now offering more and more […]

Make sure you wheelchair car is ready for winter.

  It’s not only snow and ice that can affect journeys during winter, but strong winds, heavy rain and thick fog too! If you do need to travel there are some simple steps that can help you reducing the risk of being caught out; Check your disabled vehicle is ready for winter or get it […]

We are the only wheelchair accessible vehicle dealer in Manchester,

We are the only wheelchair accessible vehicle dealer in Manchester, There is only one wheelchair cars ltd Manchester, there is no other company in Manchester that specializes in wheelchair accessible vehicles for sale. There is a car dealer that sells the odd adapted car, but we don’t consider them to be a specialist. There is other companies as far afield as wales trying to spam […]

The wheelyboat trust for disabled people

The wheelyboat trust Wheelyboat’s provide disabled people with hassle free and Independent access waterborne activities such as nature watching pleasure boating and angling. 150 boats have now been supplied by the trust to venues which are open to the public all over the UK.  You can contact the director or visit the web site to […]

Tramper Trails (mobility scooter) around wyre / fleetwood,

Tramper Trails (mobility scooter) around wyre / fleetwood,   A tramper is an all-terrain electric buggy /offroad mobility scooter, specifically designed for people with differing disabilities to access the wider country side.   Tramper trails have been developed to give you the chance to enjoy the countryside of wyre near Fleetwood,   The Tramper scooter […]

Disabled man Saving money for a rainy day, True story

Saving money for a rainy day, True story) I did a demonstration on a Renault kangoo wheelchair adapted car today over at st helens mersyside to a nice couple, the lady was driving and her husband cliff was in the wheelchair, we was all talking about different things and cliff said “well its raining” . I instantly knew what […]

First pill for relapsing remitting MS licensed

  First pill for relapsing remitting MS licensed Fingolimod (brand name Gilenya) has been licensed by UK regulators for people with highly active relapsing-remitting MS. The new treatment, the first pill for MS, increases choice and bridges the gap for people who have not found beta interferons to work, but who are not yet eligible […]

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