Wheelchair accessible vehicles

Part exchanging your car (wheelchair adapted or not)

We can fully understand if you have landed with an unforeseen situation where the last thing on your mind was to buy a wheelchair-accessible car and you only have an un-adapted car to part exchange, Don’t worry we will gladly take your car in part exchange, wheelchair adapted or not. Please let it be known on first contact with whoever answers the phone so it can be taken into consideration.

Paying for your disabled vehicle

Our preferred method of payment is a debit card in person; we will not ask for or take full payment for a mobility vehicle over the phone. Any card payments taken over the phone are just for deposits. Payments can also be taken by bank transfer, credit cards, cash up to certain amounts, or finance by arrangements please ask for details.

Quality of our wheelchair-adapted vehicles we stock

The quality of our wheelchair vehicles is very important to us; we see wheelchair cars advertised by both traders and private individuals who claim to have immaculate adapted cars for sale when really these cars are ill-prepared, scruffy sheds that we would not retail. We don’t do trickery with the camera to mislead a customer, all photos are close up high-quality pictures, we have a set pattern when taking photos and the reason you don’t see scabby ramps, rips in seats and dirt is that there is none, don’t get me wrong, occasionally a vehicle that is only one year old may come in with a rip in one of the rear seats, this happens, we call it wheelchair rash, our workshop will remove the seat and have it repaired at the vehicle trimmers. If the ramp has excessive scratches off the wheelchair footrest, we have the workshop paint and re-apply new anti-slip; these are just some of the minor jobs that get done before we set about a 125-point inspection. All these things are important to us because when we’re sending a wheelchair-accessible vehicle down to the south coast on approval we know the disabled car/vehicle has got to be faultless and we know elderly or disabled people need that little extra care and attention.


Our company has built up an excellent reputation selling wheelchair-accessible vehicles to not only Scotland, Wales England, but we have been shipping our wheelchair cars and vans to both trade and public customers in; Malta, Cyprus, New Zealand, South Africa, Jersey, Ireland, Isle of Man and Isle of White. Our two-car transporter spends a lot of time delivering wheelchair-adapted cars for export to Southampton and Liverpool docks.

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